Bible Wiki

SouthWriter SouthWriter 6 October 2016

Little Details

Worldview is a powerful influence. Archeology in Israel and surrounding lands is often in the hands of those that have their minds made up concerning the history of Israel. In their heyday, these skeptics were even claiming that the mighty kingdom of David and Solomon never existed. Others denied the exodus .

All along, they had the Bible at hand, and chose to ignore it. Instead, they put a spin on what the ruins tell them in order to "disprove" the recorded word of those who were there. And so, when mundane details come to light, even Christians seem surprised that the Bible accurately records the sometimes dirty details.

One thing that some with the secular anti-christian worldview like to harp on is the brutal behavior of the ancient peop…

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SouthWriter SouthWriter 11 August 2016

Standing Where Jesus Spoke?

Once again, Eric Mitchell assists us modern readers in understanding what it would be like in ancient Israel.  In this case, much closer than David and Goliath!

Moving a thousand years through the clouds of dust of time, he finds himself on the shores of the Sea of Galilee (Gennesarret) and the town of Magdala , hometown of his friend and follower Mary .

In well preserved ruins, archeologists have revealed details including a stone "tabletop" like that which Jesus would have used to spread out the scroll of Isaiah in his hometown of Nazareth not too far from these stones when they were in everyday use by those who knew Jesus personally.

This work is under copyright of the author and should not be used without his permission.

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SouthWriter SouthWriter 3 August 2016

Walking Where Giants Died

Tradition can only get a researcher so far, but Dr. Eric Mitchell, who I mentioned in a previous blog, seeks out the truth behind the tales told in ancient times. Primarily, as a Christian, he seeks to see for himself the places, and the remnants of places buried therein, of the Bible.

Following up on his article about the big picture in the ancient land of the Philistines, Dr. Mitchell joins tourists as the disembark the bus to kick around stones and pebbles placed there for the taking in the place very near where David killed Goliath."

While we cannot all go to Israel, we can vicariously get the feel of history some three thousand years later as we follow the work of dedicated Christians that do. Perhaps some of us can visit that ancient …

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SouthWriter SouthWriter 20 July 2016

Walking in the Boot Prints of Giants

Folks like to play in the dirt over in Israel. There is a good reason for this: that dirt covers ruins that shed light on the life and times of the Bible. Often, we are challenged to stand on the Bible rather than on the interpretation in publications written by people who don't take God's word seriously. But there are those that look at the same evidence through the lenses of faith.

Dr. Eric Mitchell, of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is such a man. Writing for the Christian Examiner he states:

"Standing on these sites highlighted for me a personal connection to events and people of the biblical text. This connection drew me further into the academic study of the historical geography, archaeology, history, languages and culture o…

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Everything was fulfilled: Part 2-Grave time and Ressurection

Everything was fulfilled in the Ressurection and the grave time of Jesus. This is part 2 out of 2 for our two-part blog about how Old Testament biblical prophecies were fulfilled in the Crucifixion and Ressurection of Jesus Christ, celebrating Good Friday and Easter (Ressurection Day). This blogpost (part 2) talks about how prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus's time where he was dead and his ressurection. You can check out part 1 about the Crucifixion and Death's fulfilment of prophecies.

While Jonah may seem distant, having lived hundreds of years before Jesus, his account provides an interesting foreshadowing of Jesus in the grave. When Jonah ran from God , so he didn’t have to travel to the Assyrian capital of Nineveh , he was thrown into…

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Everything was fulfilled: Part 1-The Crucifixion

Resurrection Sunday, most commonly called “Easter,” is the annual holiday in which the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Often the true reasons for celebration of this day are forgotten, as both the event itself and the Bible are disregarded. Often not only  the biblical significance of the suffering  but also of the Resurrection is neglected. In followup to our blog for Christmas we are going to discuss the Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the perspective of biblical prophecy and foreshadowing.

One of the best examples of prophecies of Jesus’s crucifixion in the Old Testament is found in Psalm 22. Though this Psalm was written by David at least a thousand years before the crucifixion, it describes the e…

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SouthWriter SouthWriter 24 February 2016

Risen: A Movie Review

Risen was a well scripted screenplay depicting the angst faced by the Romans in the light of the lie foisted on them by the Sanhedrin. What was Pilate to believe? He had tried to keep the fanatics calm by killing Jesus, only to hear that the body had been somehow stolen by the very cowards who had run away from the crucifixion.

The depiction of the awful conditions surrounding the crucifixion , including the probable shallow grave for victims nearby, requires an “PG-13” rating, as does the brutality of Roman soldiers putting down a rebellion among the Jews. However, in this, the truth of the scriptures is reflected, for we read of these uprisings being dealt with harshly . I would give this movie a strong B.

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AdamSch AdamSch 9 February 2021

Christmas: A Prophetic Perspective

It is almost time for Christmas- or Christ mass - which literally means the celebration of Jesus and in particular His birth. While we can and should rejoice at both his birth and his resurrection year around, Christmas is the time where families designate their time to come together in celebration of the birth of Jesus. Since we are the Bible Wiki, Christmas is an excellent opportunity for us to create some special events and write about Jesus outside of the mainstream content all while celebrating his birth. This year Henry (SouthWriter) and I are co-writing this blogpost below. We not only want this to be a good read, but also we want this to be a very interactive blog. So please make sure to comment and interact with the blogpost. Witho…

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AdamSch AdamSch 22 November 2015

Our new verse citation system- attributing our content to the source

This is Superdadsuper with an exciting announcement. We, the admins  have been working hard on establishing some vital foundations to the this website, not only as a wiki or a resource, but a ministry. Different than “secular” wikis at we would like to base everything we do- our rules, policies, procedures of the Bible. As a website wanting to glorify God we can use the amazing depths of the Bible, that is a sword that can be used to “attack” every area of the wiki imaginable. Most importantly, we want to base all of our content off The Bible.  As Wikia, our hosting and supporting community says “Content is King”. While this is true, we must consider that for us Jesus Christ our king, and the king has spoken the Bible. We can apply this “…

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SouthWriter SouthWriter 23 September 2015

Greetings from the Bible Belt

Some time ago I came upon this wiki under old management.  At the time, it was a site that borrowed heavily, if not completely imported, articles from Wikipedia.  Seeing that, I determined to make my own Bible-based wiki, but other things drew me aside.  A few years past and I got a message that things have changed.  The site was under new managment.  A merger has been requested of the two sites!

Allow me to introduce myself.  My user name is SouthWriter, for I am a writer living in the American south -- the state of South Carolina.  I am a 1980 graduate of probably the most conservative Christian university in the world.  That's right, I am that old.  I have studied the Bible all my adult life, and even have studied Hebrew and Greek!  In a…

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